In 2021 we’ll be celebrating 50 years of the Isle of Wight Steam Railway.

Our history isn’t just about locomotives, carriages and track. Central to our success are the many thousands of people who have have worked at or visted the Railway. We want to tell your story!
Can you describe the early days of preservation? Perhaps you can tell others about a litle-known event? Maybe your first visit to the Railway made a lasting impression?
We hope to compile your submissions into a fascinating record of our first 50 years.
How can you get involved?
- Select one day or one project in the Railway’s history that was particularly memorable to you.
- Write down your memories of that day/event (write as much as you like, but we’re likely to limit to 500-600 words for publication)
- If you have a picture that illustrates this day that would be even better!
- Send your submissions to [email protected] with the subject line “50 years of memories”