wootton edwardian station

wootton edwardian station

As part of our Strategic Vision, we’re recreating an Isle of Wight Central Railway station at Wootton, as it might have appeared in the Edwardian era.

The first phase of this project included the construction of the new station building and the installation of appropriate fencing, lighting and signage, together with the lengthening of the platform and run round loop. In February 2016 the signal box was moved from its original position onto the station platform, and the lever frame, originally from Shanklin station, was added in 2020.

The current phase involves two main elements. The first is the construction of a goods shed based on that which once stood at Ventnor West.

The proposed Goods Shed on the north side of the station, subject to planning permission. A small coal yard is included on the plan

A 12-metre-wide strip of land has been purchased on the northern side of the site on which the building will be located. This will have its own siding and will be long enough to house two wagons. It is intended that it will contain a small museum telling the story of goods traffic on the Island’s railways. Planning permission was obtained in 2022 and the earthworks have now been substantially completed. Prefabrication of the wooden framework is taking place in early 2023 and the erection of the building will take place later in the year.

The second element of this phase involves the installation of full pre-Grouping signalling, in the style of the IWCR. This is to replace and enhance the signalling taken out in 2008. Work on this began in earnest in 2022 when power, light and telephone were installed in the signal box, together with a block shelf to accommodate the necessary instruments and equipment.

2023 will see more visible progress with the installation of the first two signals. Two subsequent stages will see the installation of the remaining signalling required to facilitate block working between Havenstreet and Wootton, meaning that two trains can be at Wootton at the same time, thus making our operations significantly more interesting.

make a donation

If you feel able to support this exciting project, please Make a donation to the Wootton appeal.

You may wish to sponsor a part for our signalling project:

Timber signal post (4 needed): £2,500 each

Shunt signal (4 needed) £1,000 each

Signal lamp and housing (8 needed) £300 each

Signal arm (8 needed) £100 each

Metre of point rodding (80m needed) £25 per metre

Pre Grouping signal at Ventnor West. It is planned something similar will be installed at Wootton.


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