Latest update on Ryde Pier Tram – January 2019

Tram Update January 2019
Surprise Award for Flowery Calbourne

Staff from the IW Steam Railway were surprised and delighted to learn they were to be the recipients of Ryde Carnival Association’s Ryde Floral Cup.

For the first time ever, brake van rides are being offered at this year’s Diesel Gala in September.

We are delighted to report a major step forward with the restoration of Ryde Pier Tram Car 2.
Lineside Fire Risk and Advertised Timetable

Due to the extended period of hot, dry weather
Souvenir Magazine of Carriage Restoration goes on sale

Now on sale is our glossy 32-page souvenir magazine that details the 6 month restoration of our carriage IWR Composite 10 featured in the Channel 4 television programme ‘Great Rail Restorations’ with Peter Snow.
CH4 Programme Reschedule

CH4’s Great Rail Restoration Episode 5 – the ‘Time Train’ has been rescheduled.
IW Steam Railway enters the Wight in Bloom Competition

IW Steam Railway enters the Wight in Bloom Competition.
Channel 4 series – restoration of oldbury carriage

Restoration of Oldbury Carriage.
Railway Awarded Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018

Railway Awarded Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence 2018.