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Last Trains past through Bridge 12

Last Trains past through Bridge 12

Last Trains past through Bridge 12 150 150 Isle of Wight Steam Railway

In November we captured the last trains to pass beneath bridge 12 before it’s planned demolition. There was plenty of mournful whistling to mark the occasion.
Thank you to John Faulkner for capturing the moment.


History & Background

Bridge 12 is situated about 0.4 miles west of Havenstreet station and was constructed in circa 1875 by contractors building the Ryde & Newport Railway. The bridge was built as an accommodation crossing to allow the landowner the cross the line. The land either side of the railway is now in separate ownership and the railway has no obligation to maintain a link.

Until the extension to Smallbrook, Bridge 12 was the only bridge crossing the line. It therefore has historical significance both to the line and the IWSR.

Over the last 35 years the structure has required considerable time and money in maintenance, and in 1990 the Wootton section had to be closed to traffic to enable urgent repairs.

  • 1978: Construction of a new wing wall
  • 1990/91: Extensive rebuilding using steel ‘staples’ to retain the bricks, and a concrete saddle over the arch.
  • 1996: Addition of hoops under the arch.
  • 2000: Rebuilt parapets and brickwork repairs.
  • 2002 and 2019: Galvanised mesh added to prevent falling brick fragments
  • 2015: Tie bars installed on the north abutment
  • 2019: Brick parapets removed and replaced with metal railings
  • 2020: The pilasters were removed after one fell to the ground.
Read more about the history of Bridge 12 here