Is there a gift shop?

Is there a gift shop?

Is there a gift shop? 150 150 Isle of Wight Steam Railway

How Can We Help?

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Gift & model shop

At the heart of Havenstreet Station is the Railway shop. Whether you’re young or old, holiday maker or railway enthusiast, special gifts, models, souvenirs and pocket money toys can be found on sale here.

Learn more about the history of Island railways, from a choice of books and DVDs. For the railway modeller, the shop offers an extensive range of products from leading manufacturers.

Used-book shop

Who can resist a rummage through old books? Across the line is our ever-growing used-book shop. The place to find a rare old book and a bargain, just pop your donation in the honesty box. The best part is all the money raised is vital funds going straight to the Railway.

Online shop

Our online shop is well stocked with books, DVDs, gifts and model railways.