• No trains running today

Blue Timetable

Blue Timetable

Blue Timetable 1500 510 Isle of Wight Steam Railway
Book Tickets 17 August 2024

Blue Timetable

Havenstreet depart 10:04 11:15 12:26 14:20 15:25 16:32
Wootton arrive 10:10 11:21 12:32 14:26 15:31 16:38
depart 10:20 11:30 12:41 14:35 15:40 16:47
Havenstreet arrive 10:26 11:36 12:47 14:41 15:46 16:53
depart 10:35 11:50 13:00 14:50 15:59 -
Smallbrook Junction arrive 10:47 12:01 13:11 15:01 16:10 -
depart 11:00 12:11 13:21 15:11 16:20 -
Havenstreet arrive 11:11 12:22 13:32 15:22 16:31 -
Trains stop at Ashey on request.
WP Table Builder


Opening Times
Our booking office and Havenstreet station opens at 9.30am every day when trains are running.
Train Story Discovery Centre is open between 9.30am and 5.00pm (Last admission 4.30pm).*
The Barn Café opens at 9.30am and the Station Café at 10.30am, until 5.00pm.*
The Railway Shop opens at 10.00am until 5.00pm.*
Times may vary for special events.
*On Green timetable days facilities are open until approximately 4.15pm.
Havenstreet station is not open to the public on days when trains are not running.
WP Table Builder